The number of earth is a key figure showing the ecological footprint of a country, a region or the world. The metric measures how much nature we have and how much we use.
We have 1 earth and if the key figure is above, we are using more resources, than the earth can regenerate in 1 year. Like this, the number of earth figure shows if the resource demand of a country is sustainable or not.
ImproveThe footprint helps countries to improve sustainability and well-being as well as individuals to understand their impact on the planet.
Further detailsFor more details please visit:
The visualization shows the current footprint in Number of earth for the year 2017. You can choose between three different modes and sizes.
The order by Best shows the countries sorted by their footprint value, with the lowest value first.
Shows the footprint in Number of earth per year over the last decades. This gives a good understanding about the trend, where we heading to.
To compare the countries among each other, please select the according scale. The order by Best shows the countries sorted by the average value of the time period.
The data is provided by the Footprint Network Organisation. Thank you very much for sharing your information with the community.
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SoftwareThe content of the site has been created with care. However we cannot guarantee the contents accuracy, completeness or topicality. SITE AND SOFTWARE ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
LicenseThe data is available from the Footprint Network with an Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. The source code is available under a MIT license from the publisher.
PublisherThis site is operated by Tom Iten. It has been created as part of a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Data Visualization at the HKB in Berne, together with a small Installation.
AcknowledgementMany thanks to Fabienne Kilchör and all the other lecturers from the HKB for their exciting lessons and great assistance.